martes, 9 de julio de 2024

Evidencia GA2-240202501-AA1-EV03: crónica.

Evidencia GA2-240202501-AA1-EV03: crónica.

Chronicles about Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei

Aikido founder


Morihei Ueshiba

was born in December 14th 1883 Wakayama prefecture, Japan. He was born from an old tradicional samurai family, he was a sick boy, who has to improve his health by practicing martial arts (Sumo) and swimming.

His father died when was atacked by bandids, due to a debt, this  increase his interest in martial arts, and practiced

Kenjutsu (Japanese sword), Jojutsu (Short stick fighting), Sojutsu (Spear fighting), Jujutsu (Hand to hand Combat) y Aikijutsu (Hand to hand combat against traditional japanese weapons).

He has an spiritual experience and after almost died, he developed a new view of the traditional martial arts in Japan.

At the beginning he named this new martial arts as Aikibudo, because he tries to bring the from ancient martial arts respect, wisdom tradition and  mistic, to his creation.

When his martial art get mature and was exposed in Nippon Budokan Hall, He gets fame and this take him to recive the honor of living Legend honor (10th Dan Kyudo) from Emperor Hiroito.

In 1946 he decided to change the name of the martial art, and it begins to be called Aikido (Ai= unión, Ki= fuerza vital, Do =  martial path, espiritual path. Traditional path).

Morihei Ueshiba is called O-Sensei, due to his martial creation and building the Hombu Dojo, or main practice building in Tokio. O- Sensei (Morihei Ueshiba), Died in 1969, after a cáncer desease.

His legacy was continued by Kisshomaru Ueshiba, his son who make it grows and now is a  well known martial art, spreaded around the world.

Now we have the Aikikai Fundation, that is in charge of the martial art practice organization


Nowadays Aikido is a well know respected martial art,  and our O Sensei is a recogniced figure all around the world as the creator and founder.

Seleccione un personaje icónico y con trayectoria importante en el mundo, de acuerdo con su perfil profesional (Ej: 

En moda, un personaje icónico es Agatha Ruiz), y busque en Internet información acerca de él (ella). A partir del 

personaje seleccionado, realice una crónica escrita con los hechos más importantes y las situaciones más 

relevantes en la trayectoria profesional del personaje. 

Lineamientos generales para la entrega de la evidencia: 

● Producto a entregar: crónica escrita. 

● Extensión: el documento escrito será máximo de 1 página y una extensión entre 200 y 500 palabras, con 

tipo de letra Arial, tamaño 12 e interlineado 1,5. Es ideal tener cuidado con las estructuras gramaticales 

utilizadas, deben ser coherentes con las temáticas abordadas en el material de estudio. 

● Formato: documento escrito en Word y se deberá exportar a PDF. 

● Para hacer el envío de la evidencia, remítase al área de la actividad correspondiente y acceda al espacio: 

Crónica. GA2-240202501-AA1-EV03.

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