miércoles, 10 de julio de 2024

Evidencia de producto: GA3-240202501-AA2-EV02 Audio

 Evidencia de producto: GA3-240202501-AA2-EV02 Audio

De acuerdo con la temática estudiada en el material de estudio del quinto nivel elabore un audio en inglés sobre la trayectoria, planes, acciones y soluciones de su contexto académico y laboral.

Para la elaboración del audio tenga en cuenta el desarrollo de un guion o estructura a través de un documento de Word.

Guión - Script

Hello my name is Ugo Andres Sanchez Baeza


My ADSO SENA code is 2779633

My English Instructor is Jhon Botero

Product Evidence: GA3-240202501-AA2-EV02 Audio

In accordance with the subject studied in the fifth level study material, create an audio in English about the trajectory, plans, actions and solutions of your academic and work context.

About my experience as an aprentice in SENA, I am very proud of learning in this ADSO Career.We have a lot of things to learn, and sometimes It is very hard because you have to do the same thing over and over again but I´ve been learning and that what matters.

We are experimenting troubles with the platform and it is very complicated due to the misundertandings and mistakes that you some times felt overwhelm and want to quit, but the objetive keeps you on the path.

My plans about this career is to have the programming skill, to improve and offer my new knowledge as a freelance or work as a remote contractor using my language skills and computer knowledge.

Well about troubles and solutions, we have many, in my experience as my father is ill, my mother too, they are separeted, so I have to go go back and ford between their houses and it is very hard to manage. 

So I have to navigate in the sea of troubles trying to reach the shore, get dry and continue the path and in the midtime work , manage the time to do the Sena homeworks and reach my goals.

Well I have a mission, and If I finish this studies as analyst and programming, I will have the skills to work as a freelancer.

Although it is a long path and we are still learning the basics. if i keep in the trail,  my knowledge increase and then I will use them to increase my payment, independece and wisdom.

There are many options around the world, in remote countries, that I can get to improve my abilities, if I keep working on all the acquired then I will find what I was searching for.

a. Parte 1. Durante el desarrollo del audio no olvide realizar una corta presentación de los datos básicos del aprendiz (nombre completo, ID, ficha, instructor y nombre de la actividad).

b. Parte 2. En la siguiente parte del audio mencione una corta opinión sobre la trayectoria, planes, acciones y

soluciones de su contexto académico y laboral, teniendo en cuenta la flexibilidad y adaptabilidad en los

contextos de liderazgo y responsabilidad profesional (making decisions: zero, first and second conditional,

self-direction, flexibility and adaptability in job contexts about leadership and responsibility).

Para elaborar el audio puede utilizar su dispositivo móvil o existen páginas web que a través del uso del micrófono

le permiten grabar su audio.

Una vez finalizado el audio puede cargarlo a Spreaker o Podbean, registrándose de forma gratuita con su cuenta

de correo personal o institucional, generando la URL del podcast y comprobando que no tenga restricciones de reproducción para que pueda compartir el enlace con el guion elaborado.


Hello my name is Ugo Andres Sanchez Baeza

My ID 16784696

My ADSO SENA code is 2779633

My Instructor is Jhon Botero

Producto Evidence: GA3-240202501-AA2-EV02 Audio

In accordance with the subject studied in the fifth level study material, create an audio in English about the trajectory, plans, actions and solutions of your academic and work context.

Lineamientos para la entrega de la evidencia:

● Producto a entregar: archivo del audio o documento con el guion y enlace del audio.

● Formato: mp3 o archivo con el enlace del audio.

● Extensión: 2 a 5 minutos.

● Para hacer el envío del archivo remítase al área de la actividad correspondiente y acceda al espacio para la

entrega de la evidencia Audio GA3-240202501-AA2-EV02

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